How to play and build Dao Chich DTCL season 8

DTCL Thieves season 8 don't worry about lacking money and items, just worry about not rolling out enough heroes to get you to 3 stars. You also actively receive a losing streak, so you can use this to your advantage, remember not to let your health get too low, then the possibility of turning the bet will not be high.

Although Dao Chich TFT season 8 only has 5 generals and is considered a sub-family of this season 8, it is clear that the nature of Dao Chich's clan is very attractive to gamers.

Keep losing streaks or winning streaks to get loot from heists, including money, equipment components, consumable equipment such as duplicating champions, separating items from champions, removing items and replacing them with items new. Even if the heist takes longer, you can get 2-3 Tactical Crowns at the same time.

Dao Chich generals are also quite strong and can be easily combined with other clans. There are no Dao Chich champions that cost 5 gold, so if you find Samira, you will quickly have a losing or winning streak and receive a lot of loot from the beginning. So to have a strong Thieves team, you must scroll down below.

Dao Chich generals of DTCL season 8

How to play and build Dao Chich DTCL season 8 Picture 1How to play and build Dao Chich DTCL season 8 Picture 1

Kayle (Thief + Duel)

  1. Skill: Kayle's next 3 attacks hit the target, dealing physical damage equal to 175% of physical damage and magic damage to enemies within one cell of them.

Ezreal (Thief + Task Force)

  1. Ability: Ezreal fires a ball of destruction at the target, reducing their Attack Speed ​​by 30/40/50% for 4 seconds. He then fires a shot at them, dealing magic damage to them and nearby enemies.


Vi (Thief + Fighter + Protector)

  1. Skill: Vi slams the ground in front of her and releases her stored energy. Creates a health shield for yourself for 4 seconds, reduces the armor of surrounding enemies by 40/50/69% for 4 seconds and deals 200% physical damage.

Sona (Thief + Magician + Lover)

Sona cycles between 3 phases, firing 2 beams with the following functions:

  1. 1: Deals magic damage to the nearest enemy.
  2. 2: Heal the teammate with the lowest health.
  3. 3: Deals magic damage and stuns the nearest enemy for 1.5 seconds.

Samira (Thief + Gunman + Main Force)

  1. Skill: Samira knocks up and juggles targets for 1.5 seconds, quickly firing projectiles that deal 425/450/665% attack damage. Bullets bounce back at nearby enemies, reducing damage by 50%.

Only Vi is the only tank general and she must combine with other tanks to keep the team resilient. Fortunately, because Vi has two resistant clans: Gladiator and Guardian, so she can combine with other tanks flexibly.

The source of damage can come from Kayle, Ezreal and Sona. Samira will be the ultimate source of damage as she is a 4 cost champion. In particular, Ezreal and Kayle can both slowroll to 3 stars and become carries right from the beginning of the game.

See more: Samira DTCL season 8 : Matching items, lineup, how to play

DTCL Thieves season 8

Samira and Kayle are two generals that deal damage, so these two generals will often use items such as Blue Bow, Infinity Sword, Crazy Bow, Giant Slayer, Death Sword, Rage Blade, Blood Sword.

As for magic items such as Angel's Staff, Witch's Hat, Gemstone Gloves, Blue Amulet, and Shojin Spear, they will be for Ezreal and Sona. Vi just needs to be defensive.

How to play and build Dao Chich DTCL season 8 Picture 2How to play and build Dao Chich DTCL season 8 Picture 2


Build DTCL Thief season 8, how to play DTCL Thief season 8

Early game

Start right away with 3 Thieves and a tank next to Vi. You can keep the losing streak going if you level up so that the champions don't go anywhere. For every 3 losses at this point, you have already stolen once.

How to play and build Dao Chich DTCL season 8 Picture 3How to play and build Dao Chich DTCL season 8 Picture 3

Between game

At level 6, add other generals to get more clan buffs. Any champion will do, depending on what your team is lacking. You can stop at level 6 and roll 3 Dao Chich generals to 3 and equip them as well.

How to play and build Dao Chich DTCL season 8 Picture 4How to play and build Dao Chich DTCL season 8 Picture 4

End of game

This is when your squad is formed, capture all 5 Thieves and start your winning streak. Even if you lose, you can still get loot from your steals.

How to play and build Dao Chich DTCL season 8 Picture 5How to play and build Dao Chich DTCL season 8 Picture 5

This last team may be a bit fragmented, but you still have a stable source of damage and resistance. Thanks to the addition of Leona and Lee Sin next to Vi, Leona is both a tank and deals large area damage and provides additional buffs. So clearly this is a 5-cost champion that should be in this final squad, or you can add any Protector if you find it easy to get stars for that Protector.

Dao Chich doesn't worry about lacking money and items, he only worries about not rolling out enough heroes to get you to 3 stars. You also actively receive a losing streak, so you can use this to your advantage, remember not to let your health get too low, then the possibility of turning the bet will not be high.

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