Experience wedding photography useful for couples

Just like weddings, wedding photography is only one time in your life so be prepared carefully to get the wedding photo you want and don't have trouble making you feel unhappy.

Any bride and groom want to own a beautiful wedding photo, record the happiest moments of their lives and let their guests watch the wedding day.

Just like weddings, wedding photography is only one time in your life so be prepared carefully to get the wedding photo you want and don't have trouble making you feel unhappy. Let your wedding photo shoot become a beautiful memory and not make you more tired in the process of completing the preparations for a perfect wedding.

Below is a useful wedding photography experience that couples should consult.

1. Determine the nature of wedding photos

Before the wedding photoshoot, the bride and groom need to agree on the nature of the wedding photos to be able to choose the appropriate studio, outfit and location for wedding photography.

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For example, you need to determine whether the wedding photo will be in a simple or modern style, in a traditional style or a new type of wedding report that appears recently.

2. Funding for wedding photography

In addition, the cost of wedding photography is very important. If you two organize a wedding and don't want to spend too much money on wedding photography, you can choose a simple wedding photo set. If you want to invest more, you can choose expensive wedding photography packages with more services.

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In addition to the money to pay for the wedding photography package of the studio or freelance photographer, you also have to pay many other expenses for your wedding photos such as: rent more wedding dresses, car money, vehicles (if taking photos) outdoor scenes), meals during the day of the photo shoot . Usually the studio only supports you with a magnified photo and a small wedding photo album, so you will lose an extra money for photo printing.

So, determine the total cost needed to be proactive in wedding photography and not be surprised with the extra costs.

3. Choose wedding photography studio

Choosing a wedding photography studio is very important, greatly affecting the quality of your wedding photos. So you have to look carefully before deciding.

Do not rush to choose as soon as you look at the wedding photos that the studio introduced to you because it can be taken separately for advertising, or it is the wedding photos have a very high price, unlike the capture package. photos you choose.

At the same time, you must pay attention to the bundled services of wedding photography packages of the studios. Sometimes you think that this studio is cheaper than other studios, but that price doesn't have external money such as travel expenses, photo printing, wedding dresses, bridal makeup .

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For a beautiful wedding photo set, it is common to take hundreds of different photos to select about 20 best photos. If you are unlucky, you may encounter a studio with superficial photography, no mind and irresponsibility, just want to get the job done. Refer to many different studios for price and quality. At the same time, you can ask those who have experienced wedding photography in those studios to listen to their reviews.

4. Choose wedding photography time

Wedding photography time is very important, especially for the bride and groom taking wedding photos outside.

You have to choose a reasonable time to have a cool, pleasant weather because wedding photography will take all day to go back, shape, change your clothes to make you feel tired. If the weather is very hot or too cold, even if it rains, it is really uncomfortable. Of course the weather issue you can't know for sure but consider the season and follow the previous forecasts so that you can minimize the bad weather situation on the day of wedding photography.

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You should take wedding photos early because you may have to postpone the wedding photography day for reasons of weather, work, health . And if there are any problems about the wedding photos such as: blurry photos , lost photos or photos with lighting problems . then you can take them in time.

And in particular, you should note, the weekend is the time to be off work so there will be a lot of couples going to take wedding photos too, you will encounter inconveniences in getting a nice backdrop, traveling and prices as well. more expensive. Therefore, if you can arrange work, you should take wedding photos on the days from Monday to Friday in the week.

5. Choose the wedding photography context

When deciding on the context of wedding photography you need to consider many factors.

The first is that you will take wedding photos in the studio or take a picture of the outdoors. If you take a studio, you need to look through the scene. If shooting a scene you need to choose a place with a beautiful scene that suits your wedding photos. It is possible to select pre-built film studios or go to places with natural beauty.

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Note that wedding photography in places with natural beauty (except for nearby locations), you will have to pay a lot of other costs for food, transportation and take more time.

6. Choose a wedding dress

Brides should choose from 2-3 wedding dresses to change in different photos. To create more rich and different things, it is possible to bring a long dress or a double dress with the groom.

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The groom's attire also needs to match the bride's dress and shirt to make it look like the two of them are not "defaced" with each other.

Costumes need to match the location and nature of the wedding photos. For example, big spread dresses, stretched skirt legs suitable for luxurious places and modern wedding photos. But it will not be suitable if you take photos at the beach, on the idyllic roads of a simple, classic wedding set .

The bride should bring a pair of flat shoes for easy travel during the photo shoot. Because the wedding dress is a bit bulky and standing and posing, walking all day on high heels will make your feet feel sore and uncomfortable.

7. Refer to other wedding photos

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Refer to other wedding photos you will see something beautiful and not beautiful in those photos to draw experience for yourself.

Observe how to smile, shape and try out in front of the mirror many times to be more proactive in creating a beautiful wedding set for yourself.

8. While taking wedding photos

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You should invite a few close friends or brothers and sisters to accompany you on the day of the wedding photo shoot. They can give you suggestions on how to shape, move to have the most perfect wedding photos. At the same time, help you feel more comfortable and relaxed in a long and tiring day. You can also ask them to help you with important items such as bags, phones, wallets, etc. With your friends to take wedding photos is also a good idea to make your wedding photos more meaningful.

Eat really well before you start taking photos and bring snacks such as cakes, milk, drinks . because wedding photography will take all day, you can eat whenever you feel hungry and tired tired. Moreover, if you go out for lunch and then come back to take the next photo, it will take a lot of time for you to: change clothes, make up, go back .

Always smile on your face because the mood on your face will be recorded and kept in memory later. So keep the mood comfortable and fun to have the most perfect wedding photos.

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