EXCEPT operator in SQL Server
The EXCEPT operator in SQL Server is used to return the rows in the first SELECT statement that are not returned in the second SELECT statement. Each SELECT statement will have a data set. EXCEPT operator takes the record from the 1st set and removes the results from set 2.
EXCEPT query
EXCEPT operator in SQL Server Picture 1
EXCEPT query illustration
Explanation: EXCEPT query returns records in the blue area, only in data set 1 and not in data set 2.
Each SELECT statement in the EXCEPT query must have the same number of fields in the result set with the same data type.
EXCEPT operator syntax
SELECT bieu_thuc1thuc1, bieu_thuc2, … bieu_thucn
FROM bang
[WHERE dieu_kien]
SELECT bieu_thuc1, bieu_thuc2, … bieu_thucn
FROM bang
[WHERE dieu_kie
Variable name or variable value
The column or value you want to compare between the SELECT statements. They do not need to be in the same information field at each SELECT statement but the corresponding columns must have the same data.
Table wants to get records from there. Must have at least 1 table in the FROM clause.
WHERE dieu_kien
Option. Conditions must satisfy for the selected record.
- Two SELECT statements must have the same number of expressions.
- The corresponding column in each SELECT statement must have the same data type.
- The EXCEPT operator returns all records from the first SELECT statement and not in the second SELECT statement.
- EXCEPT operator in SQL Server is equivalent to MINUS operator in Oracle.
For example - with 1 expression
FROM sanpham
SELECT sanpham_id
FROM hang
In the example with this EXCEPT operator, the result returns all the sanpham_id values in the table of variables and not in the hangtonkho table. This means that if the sanpham_id value is available on both tables, it will not be returned.
For example - with multiple expressions
SELECT danhba_id, ho, ten
FROM danhba
WHERE ho = 'Anderson'
SELECT nhanvien_id, ho, ten
FROM nhanvien
In this example, the query returns the records in the namba table with the contact ID, the first and last names do not match the employee's ID, last name, and first name in the table.
For example - use the ORDER BY clause
SELECT nhacung_id, nhacung_ten
FROM nhacung
WHERE bang = 'Florida'
SELECT congty_id, congty_ten
FROM congty
WHERE congty_id <= 400
In this example, because the column name in the two SELECT statements is different, it is easier to refer to the column by the ORDER BY clause through the position in the result set. In the above example, we filter the result nhacung_ten / congty_ten in ascending order through the phrase ORDER BY 2.
Because the nhacung_ten / congty_ten is the 2nd in the result set.
Previous article: INTERSECT operator in SQL Server
The following article: Query SUBQUERY child in SQL Server
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