Can SARS-CoV-2 virus attach to shoes and infect people around them?
We learn about the Covid-19 epidemic every day, and the question we're most concerned about is the effect that this virus has on all aspects of life.

To prevent infection, we all know that we need to wash and disinfect clothes and hands often. However, shoes and sandals can also be a contagious route because they touch public surfaces, such as the floor of grocery stores.
Although we have evidence that Covid-19 can live on surfaces for days, public health expert Carol Winner has not confirmed that the virus can latch onto shoes, sandals and shoes. Your home to make people sick.

Instead, everyone should follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): wash their hands often for at least 20 seconds, work at home if possible, and avoid touching their face. .
' There is no evidence that Covid-19 can enter the home through clinging to footwear, ' said Winner. ' In fact, if the virus is attached to shoes, that is, they are furthest away from our faces, instead we can confirm that the most dangerous way of infection is still from humans. to people, not from shoes to people . '
So how long can SARS-CoV-2 survive on footwear?
A study published by the National Institutes of Health shows that Covid-19 can live on a hard card, for example, for 24 hours and about 2-3 days on a hard surface. or plastic.
However, shoes can be a potential source of pollution, according to family doctor Georgine Nanos, especially if shoes are worn in crowded areas (in shopping malls, on public transport and in places of work).
' Until now, we all know that the SARS-CoV-2 virus can survive on surfaces for up to 12 days, or maybe longer, ' said Nanos. ' And in those surfaces there is certainly the sole of our footwear .'
Infectious disease expert Mary E. Dchmidt said the time the virus can live on shoes could be about 5 days or more (according to studies done for materials similar to those made footwear soles at room temperature).
Which footwear soles can SARS-CoV-2 live longer?
Respiratory droplets contain viruses that can definitely cling to shoes' soles, some synthetic materials, and flexible materials such as spandex allow the virus to survive for days but Winner thinks that we still need to study. more on this.
'We are doing research at the National Institute of Infectious Diseases and US National Research on the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to work on plastic surfaces for up to 2-3 days,' Winner said. ' This shows that the virus can live on shoes with plastic soles for a few days ', while for shoes with soles made from natural materials, their survival time will be shorter.

However, instead of considering what type of footwear to wear safely, emergency physician Cwanza Pinckney emphasized, you should pay more attention to the material of the sole of the shoes rather. ' The sole of the shoe is much more exposed to bacteria, fungi and viruses than the body of a footwear .'
Shoe soles are typically made from non-porous materials, such as rubber, leather, PVC composites and carry large amounts of bacteria, according to a study published by a microbiologist, Professor Charles Gerba at the University of Arizona.
This 2008 study indicated that the average footwear soles were covered with 421 thousand bacteria, viruses and parasites. However, Dr. Pinckney said: ' Instead of worrying, we should strengthen our immune system '.
What kind of footwear should you wear to work?
If you still have to work during these days, Dr. Pinckney suggests that you clearly separate a pair of shoes (and all too) that are only for work. This helps prevent the possibility of bringing the virus inside the house, when people change shoes to clean them at home.
' I recommend everyone to use a pair of shoes to go on the street and a pair to separate to go indoors, ' she said. ' Health workers always change shoes (putting work shoes into their pockets) before getting into a car or into the house .'
Besides, Mr. Schimidt thinks that you should only wear clean shoes.

How to wash shoes to work?
When you need to wash your shoes, Nanos suggests that you should wipe them with a regular laundry disinfectant. In addition, she advises people to wash their shoes by machine or to wash their hands with hot water and soap.
' Wiping from top to bottom will work best when you use an alcohol-based cleanser ,' Nanos said. However, you should choose carefully detergents if your shoes, sandals made from natural materials because it can destroy your shoes.

Where should you put your work shoes when you go home?
Winner thinks that when you remove your shoes before entering the house, you can put it on the shoe rack on the door or in the garage . The most important thing is that you should wash your hands after putting on shoes before going to work. go out.
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