Van prayed to Than Tai on the 10th of every month

Shen Yun is the god who brings fortune. So all houses, shops, companies, ... worship this god to pray for a new year of prosperity, prosperity, money like water, special drip money of the day. Shen Tai, January 10 lunar calendar.

Shen Yun is the god who brings fortune. So all houses, shops, companies, . all worship this god to pray for a prosperous, prosperous year, "money to enter like water, to drip money" especially during the day. For example, Shen Tai, January 10 lunar calendar.

The altar of the God of Fortune

Divine altar is a small mosaic with lipstick yellow card, the inside is the genius and often placed in the corner of the house or store, the location is observed all the guests' entry and exit. Behind the altar of the God of Fortune must be a solid wall.

Van prayed to Than Tai on the 10th of every month Picture 1Van prayed to Than Tai on the 10th of every month Picture 1

How to decorate the altar of the God of Fortune

Often worship the God of worship with Mr. Tho Dia. From the outside, looking at Mr. Shen Tai placed on the left, Mr. Tho Dia on the right. Between the two men was a jar of rice, a jar of salt, a jar of water filled. In the middle of the altar is a incense bowl, fruit plate is placed on the left, the right is a flowerpot. Mr. Coc was placed on the left. Put 5 cups of water into a cross to symbolize the five elements and the five elements arise.

Choose the statue of Shen Tai, Tho The smiling face, bright face, the statue is not cracked, broken, and looks good.

When the statue of the God of Fortune, Earth and Earth outside the shop comes back, it needs to be wrapped in red paper, or in a clean box, brought into the temple thanks to the monks in the temple "Pray to enter the Spirit". Choose a good day to bring home to secure the God of Fortune and Earth Geography. Home use water from grapefruit leaves to wash and place on the altar, to buy offerings on prayers, the next time to worship normally like Tai Chi, Tho The new place has spiritual energy.

Van prayed to Than Tai on the 10th of every month Picture 2Van prayed to Than Tai on the 10th of every month Picture 2

Feast of Gods and Aboriginal offerings

The Feast of Feast of the Gods does not only take place on January 10 but all months of the year.

Shen Tai, Aboriginal gods are two special gods who both use salt and use vegetarian food, so rituals must also be carefully prepared.

From lunar January to June lunar calendar salty.

  1. 1 vase of longevity, 5 incense sticks, 5 fruits (with coconut), 5 jars of wine, 2 cigarettes, 2 candles, granules, rice, gold and silver 2 pieces.
  2. A set of three slugs includes: 1 piece of bacon, 1 shrimp (or crab), 1 duck, all boiled.

From the seventh lunar month to the end of the year, vegetarian offerings.

  1. The offerings of offerings like vegetarianism only differ from the set of tamarinds with vegetarian cakes such as little cakes, tarts, sweet cakes .

On the 14th and the end of the lunar month, the landlord must wipe the altar, bathe Shen Tai with grapefruit leaf water, or mixed liquor. Replace drinking water when burning incense, change the water in the flowerpot, and worship the ripe banana.

Van prayed to Than Tai on the 10th of every month Picture 3Van prayed to Than Tai on the 10th of every month Picture 3

Writings to worship the God of Fortune and Earth

Male model a Da Da Buddha!

Male model a Da Da Buddha!

Male model a Da Da Buddha!

I bow down to the nine heavens, the ten directions of the Buddhas, the ten Buddhas.

Dear Lord, Queen Hau Tho, you worship God.

I respectfully bow on the day of the East of the Capital of the Apple Government.

I respect God for money.

I respect you Gods and Aborigines to govern in this land.

Child credit is ........

Concluded at ........ .

Today is .. month .. year ...

The faithful sincerely corrected the measures, flowers, offerings, honeysuckle, fruit tea and offerings, presented before the invitation to the God of Fortune.

Bend for Shen Tai mercifully believers, fall before the project, witness the sincerity, enjoy the gift of sustaining our believers security, goodness, goodness, prosperity, prosperity, prosperity and fortune , the heart of the mind is open, the basis of all requirements, the center of prayer.

We have the devotional ceremonies, bowed before the glass ceremony.

Male model a Da Da Buddha!

Male model a Da Da Buddha!

Male model a Da Da Buddha!

  1. Worship of the Genius helps attract fortune in the new year
  2. Auspicious direction and 3 things of the cavalry on the day of Than Tai on the 10th of January of the year of Dinh Dau
  3. The article offered the Nguyen Tieu Tet - January full moon
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