Things to know about 'this' in JavaScript
'this' in global scope
In this scope, this will return the window object as long as it is outside a function. Global context means you don't put it inside a function.
if(true) { console.log(this) // returns window object } let i = 2 while(i < 10) { console.log(this) // returns window object till i === 9 i++ }
If you run the above code, you will have a window object.
'this' inside function
When used in a function, this refers to the object to which the function is bound. The exception here is when you use this in a standalone function, which returns a window. Let's look at some examples.
In the following example, the sayName function is inside the me object. In this case, this refers to the object containing this function.
function sayName() { return `My name is ${}` } const me = { name: "Kingsley", sayName: sayName } console.log(me.sayName()) // My name is Kingsley
This is a me object , so saying inside the sayName method is exactly the same as
Another way to define it is that anything on the left side of the function when called would be this . This means you can reuse the sayName function in different objects, and this will refer to a completely different context each time.
Now as we said earlier, this returns the window object when used in a standalone function. This is because a default standalone function is bound to the window object .
function talk() { return this } talk() // returns the window object
Calling talk() is the same as calling . Anything to the left of the function automatically becomes this.
Also, the this keyword in this function behaves differently in JavaScript strict mode. This should also be noted when you are using a UI library that uses strict mode.
Use 'this' with Function.bind()
There are cases where you cannot add a function to an object as a method.
Perhaps the object is not yours and you will get it from a library. This object is mutable, so you cannot change it. In such cases, you can still run individual functions from this object using the Function.bind() method .
In the following example, the sayName function is not a method on the me object, but you still bind it with the bind() function :
function sayName() { return `My name is ${}` } const me = { name: "Kingsley" } const meTalk = sayName.bind(me) meTalk() // My name is Kingsley
Whatever object you pass into bind() will be used as the value of this in that function call.
In short, you can use bind() on any function and pass in a new context (an object). That object will override the meaning of this inside that function.
Use 'this' with
What if you don't want to return the whole new function, but only call it after binding it to the context? The solution here is to use the call() method :
function sayName() { return `My name is ${}` } const me = { name: "Kingsley" } // My name is Kingsley
The call() method immediately runs this function instead of returning another function.
If this function needs a parameter, you can pass it through the call() method . In the following example, you are passing the language to the sayName() function , so you can use it to return different messages according to the condition:
function sayName(lang) { if (lang === "en") { return `My name is ${}` } else if (lang === "it") { return `Io sono ${}` } } const me = { name: "Kingsley" }, 'en') // My name is Kingsley, 'it') // Io sono Kingsley
As you can see, you can pass any desired parameter to this function as the second argument to the call() method. You can also pass as many parameters as you want.
The apply() method is similar to call() and bind() . The only difference here is that you pass multiple arguments by separating them with commas via call() , while passing multiple arguments in an array with apply() .
In a nutshell, bind(), call(), and apply() all allow you to call a function with a completely different object without any relationship between those two objects.
'this' in constructor function
If you call a function with the key keyword, it creates a this object and returns it:
function person(name){ = name } const me = new person("Kingsley") const her = new person("Sarah") const him = new person("Jake") // Kingsley // Sarah // Jake
In the above code, you have created 3 different objects from the same ha. The new keyword automatically creates a link between the object being created and the this keyword inside this function.
'this' in the callback function
The callback function is different from other normal functions. They are functions that you pass to another function as an argument, so they can be executed immediately after the main function has finished executing.
The this keyword refers to a completely different context when used in a callback function:
function person(name){ = name setTimeout(function() { console.log(this) }, 1000) } const me = new person("Kingsley") // returns the window object
After a second of calling the person constructor and creating a new me object, it will record the window object as the value of this. Therefore, when used in a callback function, this refers to the window object and not the 'constructed' object.
You have two ways to fix this problem. The first method is to use bind() to bind the person function to the newly constructed object:
function person(name){ = name setTimeout(function() { console.log(this) }.bind(this), 1000) } const me = new person("Kingsley") // returns the me object
With the above edit, the this in the callback will point to this just like the constructor.
The second way to deal with the this problem in the callback function is to use arrow functions.
'this' inside arrow functions
Arrow functions are different from regular functions. You can turn the callback function into an arrow function. With this function you no longer need bind() as it automatically binds to the newly constructed object:
function person(name){ = name setTimeout(() => { console.log(this) }, 1000) } const me = new person("Kingsley") // returns the me object
Here's what you need to know about the 'this' keyword and what it means in all different contexts in JavaScript. If you are new to JavaScript programming, the above knowledge is very useful to you.
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