The superconducting scientific report is controversial, if it is wrong it will be a famous scam, if it is true it will change the world
Superconductivity is a material that has no resistance, which means that the electron does not encounter obstacles when it passes through the superconductor.
Currently, only by bringing materials to extremely low temperatures can physicists get superconducting states. If superconductivity is achieved at room temperature, total energy can be transmitted without being hindered by physical factors. At that time, the computer will be faster, the sensor more accurate and we will get more energy to use.
The superconducting scientific report is controversial, if it is wrong it will be a famous scam, if it is true it will change the world Picture 1
Superconducting material.
Last July, two renowned chemical physicists from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, Dev Thapa and Anshu Pandey, reported that they had used a matrix of gold and silver particles to create "superconductivity in room temperature conditions with pressure". This statement stunned the entire scientific world not only at the highest room temperature but also because gold and silver have yet to achieve superconductivity in cold temperatures.
After studying the scientific report in depth, physicists found something wrong.
Brian Skinner, a physicist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, discovered the irrational point of research. There is a strange link in the results between two different tests. Specifically, the similarity of sound created in two experiments separates the sensitivity of superconducting material. This is impossible because the sound created during the experiment is random and there will be no two random elements that are the same.
According to Brian Skinner, it would be unusual to have the same results when performing two different experiments with two different timelines under different test conditions.
The superconducting scientific report is controversial, if it is wrong it will be a famous scam, if it is true it will change the world Picture 2
Green and blue dots, sound performances measured in Thapa and Pandey's two separate experiments only move up and down.
Prior to Skinner's discovery, the two Indian scientists said they did not recognize the similarities between the two sounds and confirmed that they had seen superconductivity at room temperature.
Pratap Raychaudhuri, a physicist at Tata Basic Research Institute in Mumbai, said the study may be true. And it is possible that the sound obtained is part of the signal that appears when the particles react in the magnetic field rather than sound. And if that's the case, creating two equivalent signals in a magnetic field of less than 3 Tesla is possible.
But Raychaudhuri's explanation still cannot explain the whole other problems encountered by the study.
The superconducting scientific report is controversial, if it is wrong it will be a famous scam, if it is true it will change the world Picture 3
Pratap Raychaudhuri.
In the report, the nanostructures of both gold and silver that are both electric and magnetic can switch to superconducting state at the same temperature. Raychaudhuri said this only happened when using the same sample of gold and silver on both experiments. But two Indian scientists insisted they did not do that.
There is a simple way to answer this question: Thappa and Pandey sent samples of them to be successful for the scientific community but the two scientists refused.
The superconducting scientific report is controversial, if it is wrong it will be a famous scam, if it is true it will change the world Picture 4
Samples of superconducting power cables are kept cold in liquid nitro.
There are many confusing things around the research of Dev Thapa and Anshu Pandey. If this study exactly changes humanity, but until these two scientists give evidence, it is still impossible to determine whether they actually did it or not.
The research event of Dev Thapa and Anshu Pandey led many people to remember a famous scam that took place in the scientific world.
In 2001, famous German physicist Jan Hendrik Schön announced the successful creation of a transistor - transistor at the molecular level. Schön's research is revolutionary, because if successful in organic electronics, molecular-level activity would completely replace electronics using silicon. At that time, electronics will be cheap and unprecedented and the limit of Moore's Law will open forever.
When the researchers carefully analyzed Schön's data, they also discovered that many tests had the same sound intensity measurements. This is impossible because the sound emitted by different experiments is random and they must be different. And when investigating further, the researchers found that Schön's "world-changing" studies were not right. Schön falsified the research results and deceived the scientific community. Later, all of Schön's qualifications were taken away, many of his studies were also removed from popular journals.
If Thapa and Pandey's case is similar to Schön's, their punishment is something everyone can see. Is this a fraud study or just a measurement error in a study that can change the world. We will have to wait to know the results. Thapa and Pandeu are currently not announcing what they have done.
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