Shivered with the terrifying behavior of the giant centipede, eating the main meat 'self' after molting!

For the body to grow, giant centipedes must also molt like some arthropods and other insects. But their actions after that process cause many people to be surprised and frightened.

For the body to grow, giant centipedes must also molt like some arthropods and other insects. But their actions after that process cause many people to be surprised and frightened.

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Shivered with the terrifying behavior of the giant centipede, eating the main meat 'self' after molting! Picture 1Shivered with the terrifying behavior of the giant centipede, eating the main meat 'self' after molting! Picture 1

Giant centipede or giant yellow centipede with a scientific name is Giant Centipede. They have a size that is far superior to other cousins ​​when they are up to 26-30cm in length.

But because the body is covered, protected by a solid shell, with elasticity, elasticity so that to develop and avoid being hurt they must undergo many "painful" molting!

When new molting is completed, the body's protective shell is still soft and sensitive, so it cannot protect them from external dangers. Therefore, yellow-legged centipede often eats the old crust to compensate for some of the lost energy.

With such a large size, giant centipedes can hunt snakes, rats, frogs or even bats and small birds to eat meat.

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