Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10

Utilizing the discarded plastic spoons, you will create an extremely unique white rose, which will surely be an unexpected and extremely interesting gift for your beloved women on Vietnamese Women's Day. South October 20 coming.

Utilizing the discarded plastic spoons, you will create an extremely unique white rose, which will surely be an unexpected and extremely interesting gift for your beloved women on Vietnamese Women's Day. South October 20 coming.

This handmade rose is not only economical but the recipient can also keep it for a long time as a souvenir, unlike real flowers that must be removed when wilted.

Raw materials for making roses from plastic spoons

  1. Plastic spoon
  2. Scissors, pliers
  3. Candle or kerosene lamp
  4. Glue gun or milk glue

How to make roses from plastic spoons

Step 1:

Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 1Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 1

You light a candle or an oil lamp and put a plastic spoon over it, heat it on the flame so that the heat causes the spatula to deform in a curved shape like the petals of the rose.

Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 2Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 2

Make two plastic spoons like that to create petals that are still hatching inside the flower.

Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 3Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 3

Step 2:

Take the scissors to cut off the grip part (to not be around 5mm) and then use the gun to glue the two spoons together as shown. Put two staggered spoons together so that the flower looks soft. Or you can take advantage of as soon as the spoon is hot, the plastic is still not dry to attach them together.

Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 4Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 4

After mounting, you put the bottom of the flower on the fire so that the plastic part of the spatula comes out and then press it straight to the surface so your flower can stand neatly.

Step 3:

In the upper part, when you put the plastic spoon down, it will bring the petals together, but in this part, you turn the plastic spoon up and down, then the steam will make the plastic flow out to make the petals spread out. .

Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 5Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 5

You can use as many plastic spoons as you like, the more spoons, the more your roses spread brightly.

Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 6Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 6

After the fire is finished, you can also use scissors to cut away the grip.

Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 7Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 7

After that, use the plastic spatula to continue the first part of the spoon on the fire to create a natural soft curvature for the rose petals.

Step 4:

Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 8Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 8

Next, you use the glue gun to attach these petals to the inner flower buds that were made to create the complete rose.

Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 9Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 9


  1. The petals on the inside are still stuck in but the more the petals spread out, so you have to arrange a reasonable plastic spoon to look like a vivid flower.
  2. When putting plastic spoons on fire, you should leave enough distance for the heat to melt the plastic spoon, not too close to make the burnt spoon black and the smell smell.

Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 10Make use of plastic spoons to make beautiful roses for Vietnamese Women's Day 20-10 Picture 10

You can spray pink, red or yellow paint to decorate the extra brilliant flower.

So, you have completed the unique and unique plastic rose from the spoon to give to your beloved women on Vietnamese Women's Day 20 - 10 and especially will be extremely meaningful when Give roses to your wife or lover.

Good luck!

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