- Code 2: 100LIKES (10 Gems, Rare Short Swords)
- Code 3: WELCOME (50 Gems, Rare Short Swords)
- Code 4: (updating more)
Remember that Free Downloads always updates its list of codes to bring you exciting rewards. So don't forget to check back often. When you find new codes, redeem them immediately, as these codes are often short-lived and will expire quickly.
Step 1: Open the Gym Race Simulator game on Roblox.
Step 2: Click the Settings button (1) in the lower right corner.
Step 3: Click the Code button at the bottom of the menu and enter the code in the Enter Code box (2).
Step 4: Click on Claim (3) to receive your reward.
Gym Race Simulator Code Get Free Gems, Pets, Items Picture 2
Conquer the top position of excellent weightlifters and collect valuable rewards by regularly visiting our article about Gym Race Simulator game codes . Each reward that players receive is extremely valuable, ensuring the development process becomes better.
If you are looking for more exciting rewards from other games in Roblox, don't miss the article about Blox Fruit Codes , where you will find the latest gift codes to get devil fruits and many other valuable items.