Google is taunting Google Glass users

The refusal to upgrade RAM capacity for its current Google Glass models has angered many old users.

The refusal to upgrade RAM capacity for its current Google Glass models has angered many old users.

Google is taunting Google Glass users Picture 1Google is taunting Google Glass users Picture 1

According to the content posted on Google Plus recently, Google will begin rolling out Google Glass smart glass models with 2 GB RAM capacity to improve the product's further performance. This content has made many users own current smartglass models feel teased because the products they use currently only support 1 GB RAM capacity.

Up to this point, the post has received many comments from users. Some customers have asked Google to upgrade existing products for free to 2 GB of RAM as new models that the company is about to launch. Meanwhile, others are willing to pay a small fee to upgrade RAM memory for their products. However, there are also comments that even though the company already has a hardware upgrade plan, it doesn't mean that all current users will be upgraded at the same time.

On the Google side, it seems that the company is not interested in upgrading hardware for existing Google Glass users. Google representatives said ' we will not change devices, but existing users can still receive improvements from the company through software updates '.

Currently, Google is proceeding to upgrade Google Glass both in software and hardware. According to the company, smartglass models will be added with support for defining frames when taking photos. The software upgrade also incorporates two new Google Now cards - one that reminds users of their parking location.

Users will also get more new applications such as Shazam (the application that helps identify the name / singer to present any song) and 94Fifty Basketball ( application to train users to play basketball and can combine with Ball types are built-in sensors .

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