Be a good person before you want to be a good entrepreneur

Many people only seek to expand their business but forget that in order to develop sustainably, they must change themselves.

All people who open their own companies have the goal of promoting their business activities increasingly. In order to continue to grow, they are forced to seek solutions to improve sales, improve products with better quality and endeavor to bring a better experience to consumers. However, if you choose an element that helps achieve all of these goals, what do you think is the factor?

Share on Entrepreneur , author Tyler Leslie has emphasized that if you want to be a better business, a good entrepreneur or in other words, have a business going up first, you have to become a Better people already. When you are the one that customers want to buy, they will become your loyal customers. Put yourself in the position of the buyer, see what they need, what they want to buy, how they want to be treated . . If you disagree with this point of view, you may need to redefine the type of person. The business you want to be and how far you want your career to move forward.

So how to become a better person in business?

Be a good person before you want to be a good entrepreneur Picture 1Be a good person before you want to be a good entrepreneur Picture 1

1. Learn how to really care about people

Unfortunately, not many business people express their will to really care about customers. This is purely a misconception and will ultimately ruin your business career. Therefore, from now on, learn to care more about customers in particular and everyone in general.

Show empathy and prove to customers that you are not an entrepreneur who only cares about money. On the contrary, you are a boss who listens to what others say, notes feedback and understands their problems. At the same time, after grasping the will of the customers, you will also act to meet those needs in the best way.

In business, creating a solid connection with customers is a key factor to help you overcome many obstacles.

2. Behave politely in all relationships

What surprised me was that many bosses had a different way of dealing with partners, employees, families, and friends when they talked to customers. Surely you have seen an entrepreneur talk intimately, enthusiastically with "VIPs" but for those who are competitors' customers, it is very uncomfortable, even a bit rude.

Be a good person before you want to be a good entrepreneur Picture 2Be a good person before you want to be a good entrepreneur Picture 2

Do you know how many times you have lost potential customers to become loyal buyers? I can promise you that if you continue to discriminate, your business will not go anywhere. So why not behave like a polite person both inside and outside the office, with all the people you meet, whether it's a loyal customer or someone who hasn't used your product once?

Maintain good relationships with employees, families, friends because they are the most important consumers and this is also the foundation to "entice" more new customers. If you treat yourself badly even with relatives, outsiders have no reason to trust you.

3. Reliable

Be a good person before you want to be a good entrepreneur Picture 3Be a good person before you want to be a good entrepreneur Picture 3

Reliable is one of the most important factors in business. When you lose others' trust, you can't find good friends and good employees, let alone loyal customers.

Reliable not only in the quality of products and services but also in your people, both in words and actions. Being a boss who has the trust of employees, the customer does not require you to spend anything, on the contrary, also gives you a lot of benefits. Because after all, customers are the determining factors for the existence of a business.

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