10 fun games for Christmas party
Holidays are an opportunity for everyone to have fun. From family gatherings to parties with friends, there's a lot to do during the holiday season.
One of the best ways to celebrate the ceremony is to organize a party, such as a Christmas party with family and friends, or a party at the office with colleagues.
However, in case you get bored, these are the best games to play with family, friends, colleagues and / or complete strangers at Christmas parties.
What to play at Christmas party?
- 1. Cards Against Humanity Holiday Packs
- 2. Heads Up!
- 3. Tell a Holiday Tale
- 4. Christmas Pictionary
- 5. 20 Questions
- 6. Christmas Movie Trivia
- 7. Human Christmas Tree
- 8. Penguin Waddle
- 9. Gift Relay
- 10. Two Truths and a Lie
1. Cards Against Humanity Holiday Packs
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If you've ever been to a party, you've probably played Cards Against Humanity. This is one of the most popular party games available. The goal is to use the deck to get the most laughter.
Game Cards Against Humanity costs $ 25 (VND 579,000) and also has expansion kits. You can buy 3 separate holiday sets, lasting from 2012 to 2014, and each set has 30 festive themed cards. In addition, this company donates all profits to charity.
However, if you think Cards Against Humanity is too expensive, don't worry, you can print your own Cards Against Humanity.
2. Heads Up!
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Ellen DeGeneres has a game called Heads Up, often played in her program. This is a perfect game to spice up your holiday party. In this game, one side expresses everything by action, while the other side tries to guess what it is.
Heads Up! Comes with a number of complete word sets, each with a unique main theme like animals or celebrities. You can download many other words for a nominal fee.
A special free set of words called the Holiday Deck appeared around the beginning of December. The set is filled with popular holiday-themed songs, items, and characters. You can have the perfect vacation with the game Heads Up! this.
You can also build your own set of words for 99 cents (VND 23,000). If you need some ideas for creating holiday themed sets (not necessarily Christmas), try out other items and celebrations, or think of some winter themed words that say in common, like 'snowball fights' or 'hot cocoa' (hot cocoa).
- Download Heads Up! for iOS ($ 0.99 / 23,000VND) | Heads Up! for Android (Free)
3. Tell a Holiday Tale
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The purpose of this party game is to tell a group vacation story. Everyone stood up in a circle. The youngest begins with the first sentence of the story. Then, going clockwise, each person added one sentence after another.
The trick is you need to repeat what everyone said earlier. If someone forgets something, they will have to leave the game. The game continues until there is only one person left.
4. Christmas Pictionary
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Pictionary is a party game that is often played because it brings a lot of fun to people of all ages. This can also be a great option for Christmas parties.
Pictionary is similar to Charades, except that you illustrate words or phrases rather than describing them with action. People are divided into groups, giving a word or phrase to illustrate, and a minute to draw it. If the team guesses correctly, they get a point. The first team to win 20 points will win.
Since holiday-themed Pictionary can be a bit vague, try focusing on some holiday season elements. For example, 'Christmas Carols ' (Christmas song song) can be an interesting topic. To illustrate, a team could draw bells with notes emanating from them to illustrate the word 'Jingle Bells' . Or draw an image of Earth with people smiling to symbolize the phrase 'Joy to the World' .
5. 20 Questions
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This party game requires no additional tools or materials, and anyone can join in the fun. It's also easy to make this game an interesting option for holidays.
In 20 Questions, you choose someone as your answer. Everyone else will be the one to ask. Respondents chose an Christmas theme (or certain holiday), but did not disclose this to others.
Respondents take turns asking questions and respondents respond by saying yes or no.
After 20 questions the object to guess is still a mystery, the respondent selects another object and repeats the question and answer process.
For respondents, the goal is to challenge those who ask with an unpredictable Christmas object. On the contrary, respondents want to ask questions so that they can narrow down and guess the object.
6. Christmas Movie Trivia
When it comes to holidays, everyone loves good Christmas movies. It is a habit for everyone.
But who is the most Christmas movie fan? The only way to determine that is through a quiz show! You will want to find some sample questions, like those from Holidappy (https://holidappy.com/holidays/Christmas-Movie-Trivia) or Trivia Questions (https://www.triviaquestionss.com/christmas- movie-trivia /). In addition, you can also create your own puzzles.
To play this game, divide everyone into two teams. Then ask the questions and ask the teams to guess the answers or choose an option from multiple choice options. Which team gets the correct answer? The team that finishes with the most points is the winner. The prize could be to choose a movie for everyone to enjoy.
7. Human Christmas Tree
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This game is the perfect choice for people to express their creativity. Divide into groups and assign someone from each group to be the tree. One will be selected as the referee.
After that, the remaining people decorate the chosen person to become the most special festival tree possible. You can provide things to help with such as lights, jewelry, tinsel or use anything found in the room.
8. Penguin Waddle
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Remember the relay races you took at school? They always promote competitiveness in people. Such a winter themed race is sure to make your party more interesting.
First of all, Penguin Waddle requires a bit of space, so make sure your party has enough room. Divide people into teams of 4, unlimited number of teams. Place some cones (or any other thing that can represent the marker) to indicate where to stop. They should be 15 to 25 feet away (4.5 to 8m) away.
To begin, ask the first player in each team to place a ball between his knees and then go to the destination. Once there, go back and give the ball to the next player. But if any member drops the ball, that team has to restart from the beginning.
The player's path is similar to the way a penguin moves. The first team to have all 4 players complete the relay is the winner.
9. Gift Relay
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Another option is the Gift Relay game. This game requires a minimum of 2 teams of 10 people each. Set 2 tables for each team, about 20 feet (3m) apart. Place 5 gifts (or empty boxes) on each table. Each team has 5 people at each table.
The player first receives a gift and takes it to the other side, then passes it on to the next member of the team. The next person takes another gift or box from their table and places it on the first gift. Then bring both gifts back to the other table. Ccuws like that, the third person put another gift on top and repeat the process. Do not drop any gifts, because then you will have to start over.
The Gift Relay ends when a group succeeds and brings all 10 presents back to the original table without dropping anything. Once again, this game needs a relatively large space, but will definitely bring many fun moments for the party.
10. Two Truths and a Lie
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This is a pretty interesting game and does not require too much preparation. The original game was the guests talking to each other (as the name of this game) 2 true statements and one lie.
In order for the game to bring the Christmas spirit to the party, let your guests think about Christmas gifts. Everyone has to think of 3 gifts. Two of these must be the actual gifts they have received, the other is a lie. The participants then tried to guess which gifts were not right.
This is a super simple party game and also a great way to eliminate the awkwardness among your guests.
Christmas is coming and these games are definitely good to help bring to life all the boring parties.
While these are some of my favorite games, they are not the only options. You can refer to: Good games on the phone for Christmas for more details.
Wish you find yourself the right choice!
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