[Infographic] 13 false rumors about corona virus: WHO explains why they are all unscientific
When the new strain of corora virus (SARS-CoV-2) caused the Covid-19 epidemic, which was spreading worldwide, there was a lot of fake news spreading unscientific methods to prevent and treat this virus.
The World Health Organization (WHO) says people should be extremely vigilant about this information. And to help refute those false rumors, WHO has continued to synthesize its infographic. Here are 13 fake news spread about the corona virus that have been exposed by the WHO:
1. Does a hand dryer kill new corona viruses?
Is not. Hand dryers are not effective at destroying new corona viruses. To protect yourself from viruses, you must practice hand washing and dry cleaning as recommended by the WHO. You can wash your hands with soap and water. Note, rub your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. If soap is not available, use alcohol-based dry hand sanitizers that are above 60%.
2. Does ultraviolet (UV) sterilizer kill corona virus?
Although ultraviolet light is indeed capable of killing new corona virus. However, you should not direct ultraviolet rays on your skin, as it can cause skin irritation, even increase the risk of skin cancer.
Ultraviolet disinfection lamps can only be used to disinfect inanimate surfaces. Note, when you disinfect your item by ultraviolet rays, avoid contact with eyes or skin with it.
3. How effective is a body temperature scanner in detecting people with fever caused by Covid-19?
Thermal scanners are effective at detecting people who have a fever (that is, having a higher than normal body temperature) due to a new corona virus infection. However, they cannot detect those who have just been incubated without having a fever. This is because it takes 2 to 10 days before people infected with the virus develop symptoms.
4. Does spraying alcohol or chlorine on the body help kill the new corona virus?
Is not. Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body will not kill the virus that has entered the body. Spraying such substances can harm clothing or mucous membranes (such as those in the eyes and mouth). Please note that both alcohol and chlorine may be useful for disinfecting surfaces, but they should be used according to the appropriate recommendations.
5. Is it safe to receive mail and parcels sent from China?
Have. This is considered safe. People who receive mail and parcels sent from China are not at risk of catching the new corona virus. From previous analyzes, the WHO said corona virus does not last long on objects, such as letters or parcels.
6. Can pets spread new corona virus?
Currently, there is no evidence that animals, pets accompanying humans can become infected with the new corona virus. However, one good thing you should do is always wash your hands with soap and water after contact with your pet.
This will protect you against other common bacteria like E.coli and salmonella that can be transmitted from pets to humans.
7. Will vaccination against pneumonia help protect you from the new corona virus?
Is not. Vaccines against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus type B (Hib) vaccine, do not give you protection against the new corona virus.
SARS-CoV-2 is a very new and different virus strain that requires a specific vaccine. Researchers are trying to develop a vaccine against it and WHO is supporting their efforts.
Although not effective against the new corona virus, vaccines against respiratory diseases are strongly recommended to protect your health.
8. Does regular nasal washing with physiological saline help prevent new corona virus?
Is not. There is no evidence that regular nasal rinsing with physiological saline can protect you from infection with new corona virus.
There is limited evidence that regular rinsing of the nose with salt water can help people recover faster after a common cold, but regular nasal washing has not been shown to prevent it. respiratory infection.
9. Does eating garlic help you prevent corona virus?
The World Health Organization says garlic is a healthy food. It has several antibacterial properties. However, there is no evidence from this outbreak that eating garlic can protect people from the new strain of corona virus.
10. Can sesame oil help prevent corona virus from entering the body?
Is not. Sesame oil does not kill corona virus. There are a number of chemical disinfectants that can kill viruses on surfaces. These include bleach / chloriene, ether solvent, 75% ethanol, peracetic acid and chloroform.
However, you should not use these chemicals to spray or wipe on the skin or under the nose. It could be dangerous for you.
11. Is corona virus only infect old people?
Not. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that people of all ages can be infected with the virus.
Shanghai has recorded a 7-year-old pediatric patient infected with the new corona virus. Meanwhile, Guizhou Province also confirmed that the youngest infected patient was a 1-month-old girl from Jiang.
Older people and people who already have a pre-existing condition (such as asthma, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease) are only more likely to get sicker from coronary infection, so they are more likely to die.
WHO recommends that people of all ages take steps to protect themselves from viruses, for example by following good hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene.
12. Are antibiotics effective at preventing and treating new corona virus?
Is not. Antibiotics are not against viruses, they are only against bacteria. The new corona virus is a virus strain and therefore, antibiotics should not be used as a preventive or therapeutic measure.
However, if you have to be hospitalized for a virus, you can be treated with antibiotics to fight opportunistic infections.
13. Are there any special medicines that can prevent or treat new corona virus?
To date, no specific drug has been recommended to prevent or treat the new corona virus.
People infected with the virus should be appropriately cared for to reduce and treat symptoms. People who are seriously ill should receive optimal support and care.
A number of specific treatments are being researched and clinically tested. WHO is helping a range of partners to promote these new drug research and development efforts.
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