'Snacking' UFO images at 'secret alien base'

Images allegedly taken of UFOs hovering over an oil rig near Mexico are currently causing a stir on social networks.

According to Dailymail, a pair of UFOs were discovered soaring over an oil rig off the coast of Mexico, which locals believe is a secret underwater base of aliens. Images released by a member of the ship near Tampico showed one disc-shaped object with glowing lights surrounding the base and the other object with a triangular design and three lights at the bottom.

Witnesses said the UFOs hovered for about 10 minutes and then immediately launched. Tampico locals believe an alien underwater base has protected them from storms for more than 50 years.

'Snacking' UFO images at 'secret alien base' Picture 1'Snacking' UFO images at 'secret alien base' Picture 1 Oil driller named Pat, who received photos and information about this scene from a colleague on another rig, shared with Dailymail: "My friend said UFOs appeared when they were setting foot on the rig. oil to the bottom of the sea".

A rig, is a barge equipped with three long supporting legs that can be raised or lowered.

One of the images shows the saucer hanging in the night sky and towering above the oil rig. When you look closely at the object, you will see at least 10 circular lights rotating around the bottom. While the oil driller added that the remaining UFO was triangular in shape, the only clue to its design was the arrangement of three lights at its base.

Dailymail also expanded the issue and said that it is not beyond the realm of possibility that the triangular object is the Aurora aircraft believed to have been developed by the US government in the mid-1980s.

When Pat arrives in Tampico, he discovers that the locals have beliefs about an underwater alien base called Amupac. The indigenous people claimed that otherworldly beings protected them.

Previously, in 1967, local newspaper El Sol de Tampico published an article titled Platillos Voladores Sobre Tampico, or "Flying Saucers over Tampico". This article quotes local airport control tower staff as saying 'thousands of residents' saw objects in the sky. This person also counted 'nine unidentified objects'.

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