How to store the refrigerator so it doesn't get damaged?
If you already know how to use the refrigerator properly and effectively, you also need to know more about how to properly store the refrigerator to help increase the life of the refrigerator, not to be damaged and save money. electric used.
How to store the refrigerator so it doesn't get damaged? Picture 1 How to store the refrigerator so it doesn't get damaged?
Avoid keeping the refrigerator close to the wall
Avoid placing the refrigerator close to the wall because the surrounding area needs a certain amount of space for easy air circulation, and the outdoor unit cools more efficiently.
Avoid keeping too many items in the fridge
Avoid leaving too many items in the refrigerator because this is also one of the causes of the poor refrigerator condition, in addition to making the refrigerator work continuously, prone to malfunctions.
Do not turn off the refrigerator when it is not necessary
When the refrigerator reaches the cold temperature you have selected, it will automatically enter the idle state so that the refrigerator can operate continuously.
If there is no food in the refrigerator, please adjust the temperature to 1 - Min, Cold, not turning off the refrigerator. Frequent switching on and off will quickly damage the refrigerator. If the refrigerator is turned off for a long time, it will cause the refrigerator to 'steam'.
Avoid opening the refrigerator door for too long
How to store the refrigerator so it doesn't get damaged? Picture 2 Do not leave the refrigerator door open for too long
Limit opening the refrigerator door for too long because it will lead to the reduction of cold air in the refrigerator, the food will be affected, making it difficult to preserve for a long time, and also significantly increase the electricity bill.
Some refrigerators will have an alarm when you leave the refrigerator open for too long.
Limit opening and closing the refrigerator door too many times
Limit opening and closing the refrigerator door too many times because in addition to reducing the cold air in the refrigerator, it is also easy to damage the door seals - rubber seals due to many impacts.
Regularly check the refrigerator compartments
Regularly check the freezer compartment for timely handling when experiencing a lot of snow, this may be a sign of damage to the defrost unit in the indoor unit.
When we see that there is standing water in the cooler or water coming out from the edge of the door, we need to check the drain hole at the bottom of the cabinet to see if it is sealed.
Clean and sanitize to keep the fridge well
Regularly clean the door gasket - rubber gasket to avoid opening the refrigerator after closing the door, causing the refrigerator to lose heat, reducing cooling efficiency and increasing power consumption.
Regularly clean the refrigerator and immediately dispose of damaged items during storage to limit bacteria in the refrigerator.
You should clean the outdoor unit of the refrigerator every 6 months to help it cool down more efficiently.
How to store the refrigerator so it doesn't get damaged? Picture 3 Clean the outdoor unit of the refrigerator every 6 months
See instructions How to use the refrigerator
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