Function putc () in C
The function int putc (int char, FILE * stream) in Library C writes one character (an unsigned char) defined by the parameter char to the given Stream and increases the position indicator for that Stream.
Declare putc () function in C
Below is the declaration for the putc () function in C:
int putc ( int char , FILE * stream )
char - This is the character written.
stream - This is the pointer to a FILE object that identifies the Stream, where the character is written.
Returns the value
This function returns the character read as an unsigned char that is cast to an int or EOF or an error.
For example
The following program C illustrates the usage of the putc () function in C:
#include int main () { FILE * fp ; int ch ; fp = fopen ( "baitapc.txt" , "w" ); for ( ch = 33 ; ch <= 100 ; ch ++ ) { putc ( ch , fp ); } fclose ( fp ); return ( 0 ); }
Compiling and running the above program will create a baitc.t.txt in the current directory and have the following content:
Function putc () in C Picture 1
Now monitor the above file contents by using the following C program:
#include int main () { FILE * fp ; int c ; fp = fopen ( "baitapc.txt" , "r" ); while ( 1 ) { c = fgetc ( fp ); if ( feof ( fp ) ) { break ; } printf ( "%c" , c ); } fclose ( fp ); return ( 0 ); }
Compiling and running the above C program will result:
Function putc () in C Picture 2
According to Tutorialspoint
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