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Science and technology is growing, every day in the world produces countless great products or services to serve human life. Even the most modern cities are lacking in things that make life easier, such as a time-extension button for pedestrian green lights or a parking lot mark. After viewing the inventions in the list below, you will certainly hope to own them one day.
Here are 28 examples of technology advancements and creative designs that will definitely make your life easier.
1. Any table has a place like this, it doesn't worry about losing the phone.
© imgur
2. With this charger cord, you can comfortably charge electronic devices.
© noah12345678987654321
3. Now you can sleep comfortably in your car with a compact air mattress.
© whydoispendsomuchtimehere
4. This bathroom gives you 2 types of soap depending on whether you have eaten or not.
© repsac
5. This tray also has a mobile hot or cold temperature charging function from a cup of water.
© cookieeatshobo
6. This house is slightly compressed and stretched whenever you want.
© GentleTent
7. The room in this hotel provides customers with phone packages and free calling service.
© the_irrelevant_fox / reddit.com
8. This parking space has a continuous paint on the wall to help people park in the right place.
© Cindypi13 / reddit.com
9. Injury is no longer scary when there's this free urgo box.
© unknown author / reddit.com
10. Ski chairs have vacancies to help you keep equipment like gloves and helmets.
© kazarnowicz / reddit.com
11. If the outside is raining, the umbrella signal will be turned on in the elevator.
© eigosensei / reddit.com
12. Are you waiting for a flight? The airport has an artificial respirator that teaches chest compressions and respiration.
© siloxanesavior / reddit.com
13. Thanks to the automated vending machine for this pet, your pet will not be afraid of starvation.
© orqa / reddit.com
14. You can charge your mobile phone at the charging station in the mall.
© TSW22 / reddit.com
15. Ride a bike to create electricity to charge your phone, while being fit and convenient.
© youyouxue / reddit.com
16. Elderly people can extend green light to cross the road.
© Data_in_sg / reddit.com
17. This is an ATM bitcoin.
© goosebooster / reddit.com
18. This tomato box has both the name and photo of the packer.
© FalloutMaster / reddit.com
19. This bridge has an emergency alarm transmission box.
© Crescent_Roses / reddit.com
20. The dishwasher tells you how much time is left to complete.
© Lambyking / reddit.com
21. If you forget your toothbrush, this restaurant will give you a mini toothbrush for 1 time use.
© madex / reddit.com
22. If you are in danger or exhausted in the desert, click on this button, within 1 hour there will be a rescue team to assist you.
© bobakonush55 / reddit.com
23. "Design curtains in the hotel room to ensure that light cannot pass through."
© taharoto / reddit.com
24. This bedspread will tell you which afternoon is shorter.
© oremornayr / reddit.com
25. Pretty small door for bosses.
© ExpFilm_Student / reddit.com
26. This Utah store has a ribbon designed to keep your drink cold.
© JBRedditBeard / reddit.com
27. The immigration office in Korea provides glasses for those wishing to borrow to facilitate the application.
© afyam / reddit.com
28. "Children's play area on the ship in Switzerland"
© ratiocinator112358 / reddit.com
Refer to some more articles:
- 10 gadgets can save your life someday
- The list of 21 strange inventions that you don't believe exists in life
- 16 strange things worth studying for the whole world are found only in Japan
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