Some simple tricks to deal with Malware

Malware seems to become more and more intelligent and causes more incalculable consequences than before. Installing malware detection tools (MalwareBytes, HiJackThis, ComboFix ...) on the computer is not a redundant task. But in some cases, for many reasons (blocked by malware itself) these tools are - Malware seems to become more and more intelligent and cause more unintended consequences. Installing malware detection tools (MalwareBytes, HiJackThis, ComboFix .) on the computer is not a redundant task. But in some cases, for many reasons (blocked by malware itself) these tools may have problems starting up. At this time, users can refer to some solutions below.

1. Malware is blocking the names of special applications

Because many popular software tools have fixed file names, they can be blocked by malware. Then, try changing the name of the application executable file name (for example, "mbam.exe " MalwareBytes ) to " "

Sometimes this method will work and users can launch the application as a standalone dotcom file. Please rename the file as before when done.

2. Malware is blocking all applications

The common thing is that malware blocks all applications (and notifies that the computer is infected while it is a source of infection). Try logging off the current user account. Now log in again and press Ctrl + Alt + Del . The Task Manager window appears. If you know the file names are not malicious files, you can easily identify malware because they usually have names of 8 to 14 characters long (eg fjh2efhn9.exe ). Please end the process and find the original file and delete it. Once the primary source of infection has been eliminated, download and run a tool like MalwareBytes to clean up the remaining files and registry.

But in some cases, malware can block the Task Manager window. Now remove the hard drive and clean up the source of infection by attaching it to another computer and using the malware removal tools on that computer.

3. Malware corrupts the exe file

If you launch an executable file and get an ' open file type with ' dialog box, that means that the malware has removed or changed the registry to teach Windows how to open executable files. Here is how to fix registry errors to fix this problem. Open notepad and type or copy the following registry entry:

@ = "exefile"
"Content Type" = "application / x-msdownload"
@ = "{098f2470-bae0-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}"
@ = "Application"
"EditFlags" = hex: 38.07,00.00
"TileInfo" = "prop: FileDescription; Company; FileVersion"
"InfoTip" = "prop: FileDescription; Company; FileVersion; Create; Size"
@ = "% 1"
"EditFlags" = hex: 00,00,00.00
@ = ""% 1 "% *"
@ = ""% 1 "% *"
@ = "{86C86720-42A0-1069-A2E8-08002B30309D}" "
@ = "{09A63660-16F9-11d0-B1DF-004F56001CA7}"
@ = "{86F19A00-42A0-1069-A2E9-08002B30309D}" "
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellexPropertySheetHandlersShimLayer Property Page]
@ = "{513D916F-2A8E-4F51-AEAB-0CBC76FB1AF8}"

Save the file as ' Exe-fix.reg ' and run the file. It will restore the operation for executable files.

4. Many variants of malware can hide all files on the computer

There is a simple command that the user can use to display these files. Open command prompt : Start -> Run -> cmd and press enter. Enter the command attrib -h C: *. * / S / d . The command will show all the files and folders in drive C. Repeat the command and replace C with another drive letter. Type attrib /? to see all options.

Malware not only hides files on your computer but also moves items in the Start Menu . Items in the Start Menu are often moved to the user's temp folder. Type % temp% in the title bar to enter this folder. Often items are pushed into the same folder starting with the letter "S" or " SE" . Find the directories where the user can find items and place them in the same location.

Malware constantly changes and does everything to prevent users from removing them. Therefore, users should regularly update the malware removal tool to keep their computer safe and smooth. Besides, manual methods are also not bad solutions in many cases if the user has knowledge of the system.

Update 26 May 2019


Mac OS X



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